Sore Throat One Side White Patch

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Sore, puffy, dry, red eyelids. Help needed, as my pharmascist is the definition of useless Eye Care. I know this thread is old, but Ive gotten a lot of help here and wanted to post what Ive learned. First of all, for red, inflamed eyelids, I used Sudocrem you can get it on Amazon. Like a diaper creme, but its amazing for pretty much any skin problems. I put it on at home and let it sit on the skin for hours as long as possible. I also had puffy tear ducts, and for that I used salt water rinses. I used my neti pot STERILIZE FIRST, made up a solution of 1 tsp sea salt in 1 c of water, and flushed my eyes with this in the shower. I believe that my infection is fungal is it red, itchy, and burning  It might be a fungus. Fungus loves a warm, wet, dark darkno sunlight, artificial light doesnt count environment. NEVER GIVE IT ALL THREE. I believe this condition occurs when the epidermis of sensitive skin is compromised due to an allergy or irritant. Then a fungus can make itself at home in these breaks in the skin. Once its there, its hard to get it to move out. Here are my Ten Commandments for dealing with a fungus. Thou shalt use paper towels to dry thy hands and thy face. Fungus loves the wet, warm environment of a towel in a bathroom. Also, wash bath towels after every use in hot water, dry until hot and bone dry. Thou shalt not hide thy face from the sun. Sunlight kills fungus. Thou shalt bathe thy living space in natural light, especially the bedroom and bathroom. Thou shalt avoideth heavy creams and keep thy eyes dry at night. Fungus loves a moist environment. No Vaseline or Aquaphor ever for fungus  It will spread like wildfire before your eyes. Thou shalt minimize the intake of alcohol, sugar, and carbohydrates. These feed the fungus. Eat lots of vegetables and protein. If you have been suffering from this rash for years, please Google, candidiasis. There is hope and you can recover. Thou shalt not use harsh chemicals around thy eyes. Getting rid of this condition is a delicate balancing act of building up the epidermis of the skin and killing the fungus. Be very careful that what you use to kill the fungus does not unnecessarily degrade the epidermis. Thou shalt not use eye makeup until the infection recedes. This can further irritate the delicate skin around the eye. Be especially careful about anything with sunscreen, or anything with a sparkle to it, even a subtle one. Thou shalt throw away old eye makeup. This can have fungus in it and you can re infect your eyes. When you start to use makeup again, get makeup for sensitive skin and use disposable applicators i. How to Comfort a Sore and Itchy Eye. Itchy eyes are usually caused by allergies, which can be irritating. Itchiness can also be caused by pink eye, eye strain, or eye. Sore, puffy, dry, red eyelids. Help needed, as my pharmascist is the definition of uselessGallstones and gallbladder disease Highlights Diagnosis. Common symptoms of gallbladder disease include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, fever, and yellowing of. Find patient medical information for PEPPERMINT on WebMD including its uses, effectiveness, side effects and safety, interactions, user ratings and products that have it. Read about tongue problems like hairy tongue, canker sores, oral cancer, geographic tongue, and leukoplakia. Find out what different tongue colors white, red, black. Find help for acid reflux GERD symptoms, treatment, causes, and prevention. Learn more about Barretts Esophagus and esophageal cancer. Sore Throat One Side White Patch' title='Sore Throat One Side White Patch' />Thou shalt not use a warm washcloth on eyes. Fungus loves this warm, wet environment and will multiply like mad. I was doing this based on advice I had read online. Thou shalt not exercise or otherwise sweat indoors or in the dark. Fungus loves this wet, warm environment. Thou shalt keep a diary of treatments to help recognize patterns, and thou shalt continue those treatments that are successful after the infection clears. Just to make sure it doesnt come back. A big thanks to all other posters here, much of this advice helped me tremendously and, of course, it was comforting to know that I wasnt the only one out there with puffy red eyes. White Spots on Tongue Under, Tip, Side, Back, Painful Small, on Baby Causes of White Spot on Tongue Last updated on November 8th, 2. White spots, dots on the tongue can be harmless or be a sign of a more serious condition including oral cancer. They can affect children babies, infants, and toddler or adults. Also, they could be small little or tiny or big, they can be found in various parts of the tongue that include the tip, back or under or even on the side. Furthermore, they could be painful hurt or not painful. If you have white spots on the tongue, it could indicate a simple harmless problem or a more serious problem if the condition is prolonged for more than two weeks that might require you to see a health practitioner. Dead cells, food debris, excessive mucus, bacteria, and fungi can cause this appearance. These spots and patches could also be due to a more serious problem such as oral cancer. White Dots. In terms of appearance, you might have one spot on a few scattered white dots, clusters that form white patches or they could form a white coating which might take the color of the foods you eat. In most instances, they will tend to begin from the side of your tongue and spread towards the center. How do they look like pictures. Here are few pictures images or photos to help you visually see the problem. More photos will be in specific areas such as on the sections on a toddler, small ones, on side of the tongue, etc. Canker sore Causes Why do I have white spots on my tongue or what do they meanWell, there are many causes that include STDs, cancer, and poor oral hygiene, among many others. Below are some of the common reasons why you might be having them including in your mouth. Oral thrush. This is the most common cause. They are as a result of yeast growth in your mouth fungus candida albicans. Although Candida is normally found in the mouth, their overgrowth might cause some symptoms such as Creamy white lesions on your tongue, inner cheeks, and sometimes on the roof of your mouth, gums, and tonsils mayoclinic. Cottage cheese looking like lesions that might be slightly raised bumpySome bleeding if the lesions are scraped or rubbed. Redness and cracks on your mouth corners. Taste loss. A mouth that feels cottony. Babies and the elderly are more vulnerable to oral thrush as well as people with conditions that suppress their immune system or taking some medication diabetes, those undergoing cancer treatment. However, it can affect any person and not just children and elderly. Smoking, poor oral hygiene, cancer, dry mouth, wearing false teeth, using asthma inhalers, and taking antibiotics could also cause oral thrush. STDs. Having them might be an indication of a sexually transmitted disease STD. The two common STDs that cause this problem are syphilis and HIV. Both of these will tend to cause white spots on tongue and sore throat among other symptoms. Syphilis. Syphilis is an STD which if untreated can cause death or nerve, tissue or brain damage. It begins with a painless lesion on are where it entered your body mouth, tongue, lips, rectum, genitals, anus, etc. In its second stage, it is characterized by i. Syphilis treatment is by antibiotics since it is a bacterial infection. Games Mahjong Dream Pet Link there. It can easily be treated at its earlier stages without any complications. HIVAnother possible cause could be HIV infection. According to drugs. HIV can cause white spots or unusual blemishes on the tongue, in the mouth, or in the throat drugs. This should be accompanied with other HIV symptoms such as dry cough, rapid weight loss, unexplained extreme fatigue, pneumonia, red, brown, pink, or purplish blotches on or under the skin, or inside the mouth, nose, or eyelids, drugs. To avoid STDs, always ensure you have protected sex, are faithful to one uninfected partner to avoid. In case you have it, get tested and treated. Oral precancerous and cancerous condition is known to results in spots or patches in the mouth including on the tongue. These spots might be red, pinkish or whitish in color. Oral cancer will always be accompanied by a number of signs and symptoms that include oral sores with some on the neck and face, weight loss, feeling that something is stuck in the throat, difficulties in talking, chewing and swallowing, a hoarse voice, a mouth that bleeds easily and takes long to heal more than two weeks among many others. In case you notice sores that grow fast and become hard, it could be an indication of oral cancer. Ensure this hardened sore is diagnosed. Oral cancer is associated with tobacco chewing, smoking cigarettes and too much alcohol consumption. It has also been linked with HPV, an infection with the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus specifically the HPV 1. Genetics, age, compromised immune systems such as in the cause of HIV AIDS victims, excessive exposure to sun, among other factors can increase someones oral cancer risks. If you have any of the above symptoms, you need to ensure you see a professional healthcare personnel for diagnosis by oral tissue biopsy, MRI, PET, and CT scans and early treatment. Treatment will include surgery, radiation therapy, andor chemotherapy medicinenet. Leukoplakia. Another possible cause is leukoplakia, to be specific flat, painless and smooth spots and patches is leukoplakia. The white patches or spots are painless and cannot be removed by scraping or brushing. This problem is caused by excessive cell production by mouth lining and keratin protein deposits in the mouth andor tongue. Leukoplakia is associated with excessive drinking, smoking, and inflammatory tongue conditions. In some few instances, it can become cancerous after years or decades. Unless it is growing, leukoplakia is not dangerous. It is good to see a dentist determine that your leukoplakia is not growing since it can end up being cancerous. Proper oral hygiene and avoiding the irritants smoke and alcohol is a way of dealing with this condition. Treatments might include oral surgery, antiviral medications to stop patch growth, retinoic containing tropical ointments to reduce patch sizes among others. Oral lichen planus. This is a long term disorder of the immune system that causes white lacy streaks and white patches in the mouth, including on the tongue nhs. The cause is still unknown, it does not spread from one person to another or run in families. Some medical professionals have associated this problem with stress and spicy foods. Most lichen planus of the mouth conditions when mild do not cause any pain i. However, in some cases, it can can cause burning sensations and discomfort in the mouth, painful red gums and sore patches in the lining of the mouth nhs. Most oral lichen planus might not need any treatment. However, severe cases can be treated using steroid sprays or tablets in addition to an antiseptic mouthwash. Furthermore, ensure good oral hygiene, avoid stress, stop very spicy foods and alcohol consumption as well as quit smoking. Streptococcus Pyogenic infection. This is a bacterial infection that can be responsible for the white spots on red tongue i. Streptococcus pyogenes could this problem and sore throat. Its main symptoms include fever, sore throat, inflamed red or swollen tonsils, and white patches or spots on the tonsils tonsillar exudate emedicinehealth.