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FLIGHT CONTROLS The Flying Engineer. If there is any conflicting information, your FCOM shall be the overriding reference. Q1. Which of the spoiler surfaces are the speed brake surfaces A1. Spoiler Surfaces 2,3 and 4 are the Speed Brake Surfaces. Q2. If ac is dispatched with SEC1 inoperative under MEL, then which of the flight control surfaces are not available for you in flight A2. Spoilers 3 and 4 would not be available. Q3. Which of the flight controls are lost, if ELAC 12 are lost A3. Both Ailerons are lost and the THS Motor 1 is lost. Q4. Which of the flight control surfaces are lost, if G Y are lostOutlook Events And Activation Bangalore TimeA4. The following are lost 1 Yaw Damper2 Stabilizer3 Spoiler 12454 Flaps. Q5. Which of the Fltcontrols are lost, if FAC 12 are lost A5. With FAC 12 loss, the Rudder travel limit system, Rudder Trim Control and Yaw Damper are lost. Q6. Do you agree that there is no flight control available if you lose all the three hydraulics A6. Yes. Q7. What happens to the extended speed brakes when CONFIG FULL is selected A7. The Speed brakes retract automatically. Q8. What are the conditions in which Speed Brakes get retracted automatically A8. The following are the conditions in which Speed Brakes get retracted automatically 1 SEC 1 and 3 both have faults2 An ElevatorL or R has a fault only spoilers 3 and 4 are inhibited3 Angle of Attack protection is active4 Flaps are in configuration Full5 Thrust levers above MCT position6 Alpha Floor Activation. Q9. What happens to the symmetric surface on the other wing, when a speed brake surface on one wing fails A9. The symmetric surface on the other wing is inhibited. Q1. 0. When does SPD BRK memo turn amber A1. The SPD BRK memo turns Amber in the following conditions 1 When the speed brakes are extended in Flight Phases 2, 3, 4, and 5, the SPEED BRKmemo flashes in amber. When the speedbrakes are extended in Flight Phases 6 and 7, the SPEED BRK memoappears in green. It flashes in amber, after 5. Q1. 1. What is the new procedure if there is FCTL SPOILER FAULT and one spoiler is indicated deflected in amberOutlook Events And Activation Bangalore TimeA1. AIRBUS recommendations assume that if the FCTL SPLR FAULT ECAM caution triggers, along with at least one amber deflected spoiler arrow displayed on the FCTL SD page, the spoiler is supposed to be fully deflected. The following is the procedure APOFFDepending on the failed spoiler position, the AP may not have enough authority to counteract the roll induced by spoiler runaway. SPEED. GDOT1. 0Whenever possible, target green dot speed 1. However, if buffet is encountered at GDOT speed 1. CRUISE ALTITUDE. AS REQUIREDCurrent Flight Level FL may not be maintained due to increased drag. Maintain a cruise FL as high as possible. FUEL CONSUMPTION INCREASEDFMS FUEL PREDDISREGARDFUEL CONSUMPTION. DETERMINEDIVERSION. List of companies in Dubai Airport Freezone,Dafza company list,List of companies in DAFZA,Dubai Airport Freezone Dafza company directory,Dafz companies list. Prashant Jhaveri, Head, Products and Strategy, Medi Assist Healthcare Services, was recently interviewed by Healthcare Radius, a healthcare magazine for Indian. If there is any conflicting information, your FCOM shall be the overriding reference. Q1. Which of the spoiler surfaces are the speed brake surfaces A1. Spoiler. 1 I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul. Gmail is email thats intuitive, efficient, and useful. GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access. The Greatest Power is the Power of our Subconscious Mind. Once we understand this and learn to use the power within us, we can create wonderful changes in our life. NZD New Zealand Dollar Latest News, Analysis and Forex. Latest NZD market news, analysis and New Zealand Dollar trading forecast. CONSIDERAPPR PROCIn clean configuration, if VLS is above VFENEXT, the flight crew should deselect ATHR, decelerate to VFENEXT, and select CONF 1 when below VFENEXT. When established at CONF 1, the flight crew can reengage the ATHR and use managed speed again. FOR LDGUSE FLAP 3. GPWS LDG FLAP 3. ONLANDING PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT. PERFORMQ1. 2. What are the logic conditions for ground spoiler extension to occur during RTO A1. The following are the logic conditions for Ground Spoiler extension to occur during RTO 1 If the ground spoilers are armed and the speed exceeds 7. If the ground spoilers are not armed and the speed exceeds 7. Q1. 3. What are the logic conditions for full ground spoiler extension to occur during landing A1. The following are the logic conditions for Ground Spoiler extension to occur during landing 1 If the ground spoilers are armed and all thrust levers are at idle, the ground spoilerswill automatically extend as soon as both main landing gears have touched down. If the ground spoilers are not armed and both main landing gears have toucheddown, the ground spoilers will automatically extend as soon as reverse is selectedon one engine the other thrust lever remains at idle. Q1. 4. Partial ground spoiler extension can also occur during landing. What are the conditions A1. The ground spoilers partially extend 1. This partial extension, by decreasing the lift, eases the compression of the second main landing gear strut, and consequently leads to full ground spoiler extension. Q1. 5. When will extension of ground spoilers take place, if ground spoilers were not armed before landing A1. If the ground spoilers are not armed and both main landing gears have touched down, the ground spoilers will automatically extend as soon as reverse is selected on one engine the other thrust lever remains at idle. Q1. 6. How to retract the extended spoilersA1. The system automatically retracts the spoilers to their zero position, if it detects a fault or loseselectrical control. Q1. 7. Is it true that the Rudder deflection is a function of speed A1. Yes. Q1. 8. Name the protections available in Normal LawA1. The normal law protects the aircraft throughout the flight envelope, as follows Load Factor Limitation Pitch Attitude Protection High Angle Of Attack AOA Protection High Speed Protection Bank Angle Protection. In addition to the above, a Low Energy Warning is also provided. Q1. 9. Mark it True or False. That when ac is in Normal Law, computers will prevent excessive maneuvers and exceedance of the safe envelope in Pitch Roll axis only. Rudder has no such protections. A1. 9. True. Q2. 0. Explain the Load Factor ProtectionA2. The Load Factor Protection limits the Load Factor to a 2. Q2. 1. Explain the Pitch Attitude protection A2. The Pitch Attitude Protection limits the Pitch Attitude to a 3. FULL progressively reduced to 2. PFDs pitch scale. Q2. 2. Explain the High Angle of Attack protection A2. The Protection system will prevent the pitch angle to develop into the stall area. The system also assist the pilots in a windshear situation. In pitch normal law, when the angle of attack becomes higher than the alpha prot threshold, the elevator control is switched to a protection mode where AOA is proportional to the side stick deflection. When Floor is reached the Auto Thrust System will trigger and provide full take off power at both engines, regardless of the power lever position. Q2. 3. What happens when angle of attack becomes greater than Prot A2. Acronis True Image 2014 Key. Under normal law, when the angle of attack becomes greater than prot, the system switches elevator control from normal mode to a protection mode, in which the angle of attack is proportional to sidestick deflection. That is, in the prot range, from prot to MAX, the sidestick commands directly. However, the angle of attack will not exceed MAX, even if the pilot gently pulls the sidestick all the way back. If the pilot releases the sidestick, the angle of attack returns to prot and stays there. Q2. 4. What is max A2. Angle Of Attack that the aircraft will achieve. Q2. 5. What is the High Speed protection when ac is in Normal LawA2. High Speed Protection activates an automatic pitch up signal when the VMO or VMM limit is exceeded. As the speed increases above VMOMMO, the sidestick nose down authority is progressively reduced, and a permanent nose up order is applied to aid recovery to normal flight conditions. High Speed Protection is deactivated, when the aircraft speed decreases below VMOMMO, where the usual normal control laws are recovered. The autopilot disconnects, when High Speed Protection becomes active. Q2. 6. What are the protections available when ac is in alternate pitch lawFilms. Vote for ice. Films. IE 6 lt link relstylesheet typetextcss mediascreen hrefhttp globolister.