Boxing Dirty Tricks
How Branson won the dirty tricks air war Virgins libel battle with BA is likely to be settled today. Michael Harrison plots the background. Corel Photo Paint X5 Serial Number on this page. IN THE summer of 1. British design company booked herself on a flight to Tokyo flying out with British Airways and back with Virgin. A few days before departure she was cold called in her office by a BA sales representative and asked why she was returning with Virgin. The woman was, understandably, taken aback by this unsolicited approach. But she was more surprised when the BA man offered her two free tickets from London to Paris if she switched to BA. She accepted the offer. Other Virgin passengers were not so lucky. In December that same year a retired businessman booked his 1. Virgin flight from Gatwick to Miami and onward to the Cayman Islands. Shortly before the flight was due to leave he was telephoned at home by Virgin and told that the aircraft was delayed for technical reasons. Since this meant that his young son, who was flying solo for the first time, would miss his connection and be forced to stop overnight in Miami, Virgin had rebooked him in a confirmed seat on an earlier BA flight to Miami from Heathrow. This is common airline practice BA Business Class and Virgin Upper Class tickets are interchangeable. When he arrived at Heathrows terminal 4, however, he was told that his Virgin ticket could not be accepted since it was not validated to do that it would have to be returned to the Virgin shop in central London. After some polite protesting a BA supervisor was called. In a letter to Virgin recounting the incident the businessman said I was then told in front of others We are in competition with Virgin. We do not like them, they do not pay us when we carry their passengers and we do not like Virgin passengers. Further protests were of no avail. The father and his son were told that if you want to complain, complain to Virgin and not us. Boxing Dirty Tricks MovieThe son was obliged to fly with Virgin despite the inconvenience. According to Virgin the two incidents were connected by a common theme they were both products of a worldwide strategy by BA to exert its supremacy over its smaller rival. There were different strands to the strategy, ranging from one campaign called Mission Atlantic to others codenamed Hunters and Operation Barbara. Were todays mother of all libel battles in the High Court between Virgins Richard Branson and BAs Lord King not due to end this afternoon with an agreed statement, damages and an apology by BA, the jury would have been treated to a great deal more detail about Mission Atlantic and much else besides. According to Mr Branson, this alleged poaching of Virgin passengers by BA and its refusal to accept Virgin tickets amounted to sharp business practice. The Virgin Atlantic chairmans allegations did not stop there. Boxing Dirty Tricks Band' title='Boxing Dirty Tricks Band' />In an open letter to BAs non executive directors, dated 1. December 1. 99. 1, Mr Branson claimed that an internal task force had been set up within BA, sanctioned at the highest level, with a remit to wage a dirty tricks campaign against Virgin designed to discredit and damage its business. He claimed that smear stories were being peddled around the press by Brian Basham, a PR consultant to BA, questioning Virgins financial standing and Mr Bransons other business activities. But in the climate of suspicion, fear and perhaps paranoia engendered by the fierce rivalry between the two airlines Mr Branson had different worries. His private houseboat and headquarters in Holland Park, west London, had both been broken into and confidential papers apparently removed. Cars belonging to senior Virgin employees had also been broken into frequently. Virgin also said it had evidence that Mr Bransons private business discussions were being bugged and that he and other Virgin directors had been tailed by private investigators. There is absolutely no evidence that BA was behind any of these activities or even that it knew about them. That did not stop Mr Branson posing the question, but Virgin now accepts there is no link between BA and any of these events. BA refused to answer the allegations in Mr Bransons open letter point by point, contenting itself with a blanket denial of his claims which, it insisted, were wholly without foundation. Finally, BAs patience snapped and it accused Mr Branson of fabricating his claims in order to garner publicity. Mr Branson sued for libel. Lord King and BA counter sued over Virgins original allegations. To the media the story was a gift Richard Branson, the anti establishment entrepreneur who summed up the buccaneering spirit of the 1. Lord King, Mrs Thatchers favourite businessman and the man who had saved BA from the scrapheap. But to the two protagonists it was the start of a long, acrimonious and ultimately costly legal battle. Before a word is even said in court today the combined costs of both sides are put at pounds 3m. Boxing Dirty Tricks 1993' title='Boxing Dirty Tricks 1993' />
Mayweather and McGregor use ageold tactic of racial conflict to sell their fight. Ill stand up for Britain Mays fury at Brussels DIRTY TRICKS amid leaked Brexit talks THERESA May criticised EU officials last night over leaked Brexit talk details. Floyd Mayweather beat Conor McGregors ass McGregor put on a respectable effort against an elite boxer, winning a moral victory. McGregor looked as sharp as he. Magic tricks, or illusions, make us go ooh, ahhh, and how the flippin crap did they do that Theyre part sleight of hand, part planning, and. Jeff Horn not looking for trouble with American critics as he adjusts to strange new world. Boxing Dirty Tricks' title='Boxing Dirty Tricks' />The fact that writs were now flying did not dampen the presss appetite for the story or halt the speculation. Where had the hostility between the two airlines sprung from, what had sparked the alleged dirty tricks campaign and who exactly was co ordinating it It was Virgins and Mr Bransons belief that the campaign was being partly handled by Brian Basham, a well known City PR man who had carried out consultancy work for BAs public affairs department before. In his open letter Mr Branson asked whether Lord King, Sir Colin Marshall, BAs chief executive, and David Burnside, director of public affairs, had known of Mr Bashams activities. Mr Burnside is an Ulsterman with a formidable reputation and a taste for bloodsports and politics. Some suggested the trigger for the BA campaign was Mr Bransons publicity coup in September 1. The matchup between undefeated boxing champ Floyd Mayweather Jr. UFC champ and underdog Conor McGregor on August 25th is being called the biggest sporting event. The visual comparison is actually enough and my article should stop right here. But the governing bodies messed up the term heavyweight thus you landed on this page. News Business How Branson won the dirty tricks air war Virgins libel battle with BA is likely to be settled today. Michael Harrison plots the background. Britons stranded in the Gulf by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait were airlifted to safety, not by the nations flag carrying airline but in a fleet of Virgin 7. Others suggest the catalyst was a more mundane and pragmatic one Virgins increasing commercial success in cherry picking BAs most lucrative long haul routes and then mounting high quality competition at lower prices. Tvs Electronics Msp Series Printer Driver on this page. When BA was stripped of its rights to operate some flights and forced to hand them over to Virgin as was the case at Tokyos Narita airport it merely rubbed salt in the wound. In any event, from late in 1. Virgin began to piece together its evidence. Its headquarters, a nondescript red brick building around the corner from Notting Hill in London, soon began to fill with testimony from Virgin passengers of how they had been approached or poached by BA staff. Some came direct from passengers, some via Virgin staff overseas and some came personally to Mr Branson who, as usual, made copious longhand notes in his ever present red and black ledger. At the same time Virgin began compiling a formal complaint to the European Commission charging BA with abusing its dominant position on the transatlantic routes and engaging in anti competitive behaviour. Former BA staff also came forward and volunteered affidavits allegedly describing how they had been ordered to shred files referring to Virgin. According to Virgin their sworn statements detailed the lengths to which they were asked to go to undermine the smaller, rival airline by introducing selective fare cuts and refusing to handle Virgin long haul passengers needing to connect to BAs European network of destinations. Golden State Warriors Draymond Green Kelly Olynyk of Boston Celtics dirty player. May 8, 2. 01. 7Chris Haynes. ESPN Staff Writer Close. Covers NBA and Warriors for ESPN. Covered Cavaliers and NBA for Cleveland Plain Dealer from 2. Covered Trail Blazers for Comcast Sports. Net NW from 2. 01. Fresno State University graduate. Draymond Green has let it be known that hes no fan of Boston Celtics forward Kelly Olynyk. Hes dirty, a dirty player, Green said on Uninterrupteds Dray Day podcast. I dont respect guys like that. I know hes not the greatest basketball player of all time, so maybe he feel like he got to do that, but you dont have to do that. Just dirty. I dont respect that, man. Hes dirty. Green took exception to Olynyks setting an illegal high screen on Washingtons Kelly Oubre in Game 3 between the Celtics and Wizards. Oubre was knocked down but then jumped up and charged at Olynyk, burying his forearm into his chest. Olynyk fell backward onto the court, and teammates from both sides intervened to end the altercation. Oubre was hit with a flagrant 2, which resulted in an automatic ejection, and was suspended for Game 4. Washingtons Kelly Oubre Jr., left, was ejected for shoving Bostons Kelly Olynyk in Game 3. EPAMichael Reynolds. Olynyk went unpunished. Kelly Olynyk is a dirty player, man, Green said. Olynyk caught Oubre in the face and the neck with a couple of elbows. Thats what I dont understand. You let people get away with stuff, and then when somebody finally react. But you are not going to penalize Olynyk for continually elbowing him the face. I dont get that. Green also referenced Olynyks history of questionable plays. Olynyk was the player who pulled the left arm of Cleveland Cavaliers forward Kevin Love during a rebound chase in the first round of the 2. The play resulted in a dislocation of the shoulder and forced Love to undergo season ending surgery. Youve seen what hes done, Green told ESPN on Monday after shootaround. Everybodys seen what hes done. I dont really need to go further on that. Come on, man. Theres more cameras in these arenas now than its ever been. Everybody sees what goes on. Celtics coach Brad Stevens disagreed with Greens opinion of Olynyk. Im around Kelly every day, Stevens said. I dont agree with that assessment. Stevens also defended the Celtics forward on Sunday, saying hes not sure where the narrative against Olynyk comes from. I guess he set a screen, it was called a common foul, it was reviewed by the league, and the league determined it was a common foul. Another guy rushed him and chucked him on the ground, Stevens said. I understand all the stories of the past, and I understand theyve gotta talk about something with three days in between games. But we know Kelly. Im around Kelly every day. Last year, a Los Angeles Times poll surveying coaches and players revealed that Milwaukee Bucks guard Matthew Dellavedova was voted as the leagues dirtiest player. Everybodys seen what hes done too, Green said to ESPN. We know about him. But Green has also been ridiculed by many and called dirty for his previous kicking antics. Green occasionally flails his foot up while attempting a shot from under the basket. He connected to the groin region of Oklahoma City Thunder big man Steven Adams a few times in last years playoffs. He disputes the perception that hes a dirty player. I havent kicked anybody, Green told ESPN. You kick somebody with your foot, not your shin. I dont know who taught them how to kick if theyre kicking with their shin. You kick with your foot. Thats what I was always taught. Growing up where I grew up at, you kick somebody, you kick them with your foot. You dont kick somebody with your shin. So I wouldnt necessarily say I kicked somebody. Green argues that there are players who are crafty at seeking a competitive advantage and then there are players who will do anything to get an edge. Olynyk falls in the latter category, Green said. Theres a difference, big difference between knowing all the tricks and being dirty. Knowing all the tricks aint doing stuff to hurt people, Green said on his podcast. Olynyk yanked Loves shoulder out of place. I dont roll with that, man. Hes just dirty. You know veteran tricks is grabbing an arm so a guy cant get there to block a shot or cutting some guy off so he cant get there to contest. But youre not doing nothing to hurt nobody. This dude Olynyk be out there trying to hurt people.